Trudy Gregorie Resume Vitae
Select a category below to view specifics:
Twenty-five years of public service and professional experience in crime victim services at the local, state, and national levels. Disciplines of expertise include criminal and juvenile justice, victimology, crime victim services (both systems- and community-based), program development, and training and technical assistance.
National, state, and local consulting services, November 2001 – present
Justice Solutions, NPO
Washington, D.C.
November 2001 – present
Serves as one of three senior advisors for a national nonprofit that works on a variety of national- and state-level projects that promote victims’ rights and services, and works toward positive reforms in the federal, criminal, juvenile, and civil justice systems that benefit victims and communities hurt by crime.
National Center for Victims of Crime
Washington, D.C.
June 1998 – November 2001
Management position as a program director for a national nonprofit organization that serves over 8,000 crime victim services programs and criminal justice organizations. Responsibilities include: developing training programs, curricula and resources on emerging issues for the crime victim services field and allied professions; developing and supervising technical assistance programs; grant writing and management of government and privately-funded grant projects; providing training and technical assistance on topics related to crime victim services, criminal and juvenile justice topics, and program development; and providing national media interviews.
National Center for Victims of Crime
Arlington, Virginia
February 1994 – May 1998
Management position as the program director of Victim Services and Program Development for the National Center, responsible for the above responsibilities as well as directing the National Center’s Victim Services Division, which provides case advocacy for crime victims who have exhausted local and/or state resources; directing the National Center’s toll-free national information and referral program; and serving as presenter/trainer for seminars and conferences nationwide.
Governor's Office
Division of Victim Assistance
Columbia, South Carolina
1992 – 1994
Developed a statewide crime victim ombudsman program. Responsibilities included: receiving and investigating complaints of alleged violations of South Carolina’s Victim/Witness Bill of Rights; mediating between the complainant and the alleged violating entity in order to conciliate, assess cause(s) of the problem, and then recommend any needed actions to avoid further violations; compiling and evaluating data from investigations to identify areas of state needing technical assistance/training in effort to standardize and improve victim services statewide; managing the "State Victim Hotline" which answered questions about the criminal justice system and victim services statewide. Provided numerous trainings and seminars around the state on victimology and crime victim issues. Acted as spokesperson for program, doing numerous media interviews, keynote speeches, and presentations. Co-facilitated capital area support groups for survivors of homicide victims and for survivors of violent crimes.
Worked closely with the Adam Walsh Center of South Carolina, serving as chief referral for any victims having problems interacting with state or local criminal justice officials or agencies. Assisted Center staff in effectively advocating for victims of abductions and exploitation, both through direct services and legislative advocacy.
Solicitor's Office
Ninth Judicial Circuit
Charleston, South Carolina
1979 – 1992
Founding director of prosecutor-based program providing comprehensive services to crime victims/ witnesses in the criminal and juvenile justice systems. Conducted annual program evaluation and biannual needs assessment. Provided community education (such as speeches, media appearances, and training seminars) on victim rights, crime prevention, and the justice process. Facilitated support groups for survivors of homicide victims and for survivors of violent crimes. Designed and annually updated program brochures. Developed program case management, tracking, and documentation systems. Prepared annual program budget. Trained, supervised, and evaluated paid and volunteer staff. Responsible for regular program reports to elected Solicitor, two County Councils, three City Councils, and state officials. Developed and implemented interagency agreements and cross-training programs with all programs serving crime victims in the two-county judicial circuit. Responsible for grant writing for all units of the Solicitor's Office; acted as project director on most grants awarded.
For the first three years in the Solicitor's Office, also acted as a legal assistant. Responsibilities included: legal research; preparation of all trial and non-jury rosters for criminal court activities; coordination of all non-jury court activities for the Solicitor; criminal case-tracking—reporting to presiding judge and prosecutors on status of requested cases; filing all bench-warranted indictments with the Sheriff and Clerk of Court and scheduling any bond escheatments; keeping interoffice statistics for administrative purposes; drafting forms used in interoffice administration; and supervising all office interns.
My Sister’s House
Charleston, South Carolina
1987 – 1992
Served as a member of the Board of Directors of a countywide, nonprofit domestic violence program serving a large metropolitan area, suburban areas, and outlying rural areas. Served on the Fundraising Committee, and various ad hoc committees in a volunteer capacity.
People Against Rape
Charleston, South Carolina
1981 – 1992
Served as a volunteer crisis response advocate to meet victims at the rape treatment center (on call for weekends and holidays) for a nonprofit sexual assault center that served a three county area comprised of a large metropolitan area, suburban areas, and outlying rural areas. Completed basic 40-hour advocate training and annual in-service training.
Naval Regional Medical Center
Charleston, South Carolina
September – October 1979
Appointed on a 30-day assignment to aid LTjg R. Hunnicutt on special review of the Medical Center's facilities, efficiency ratings, and budget waste. Assisted in all aspects of study; recorded data and helped prepare final report to Department of Navy.
Carroll Cobb, Attorney at Law, Columbia, South Carolina, 1978 – 1979
Young, Clement, Rivers & Tisdale, Charleston, South Carolina, Summer 1978
Responsibilities included: legal research; title searches; drafting of pleadings, briefs, and other legal documents; filing and serving legal documents.
Completed extensive advanced professional training in program management, victimology, crime victim services, and criminal and juvenile justice issues over the past 25 years.
Law School (four semesters) — University of South Carolina, 1977 – 1979
Bachelor of Arts, History and Secondary Education (magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa) — Furman University, Greenville, SC, 1973 – 1977
National Crime Victim Service Award, 1999 (Presented by U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno.)
National Sheriffs’ Association TRIAD Award of Appreciation, 2001; 1995 – 2001
International Who’s Who of Professionals, 1999
Honorary Member, Ohio Council on Victims Justice, 1996
Who's Who of the Year, 1994
International Who's Who of Professional and Business Women, 1994 and 1993
Distinguished Humanitarian Award, South Carolina Victim Assistance Network, 1992
Who's Who of Women, 1992
International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, 1990
Women's Inner Circle of Achievement, 1990
Jaycees Outstanding Public Service Award, Charleston, South Carolina, 1987
Outstanding Young Woman of America, 1985
Kiwanis Club Outstanding Public Service Award, Charleston, South Carolina, 1982
Phi Beta Kappa, 1977
Babbs Award, Most Outstanding Senior Woman, Furman University, 1977
American History Prize, Furman University, 1977
Kappa Delta Epsilon (Furman University Chapter), Most Outstanding Secondary Teaching Award, 1977
Blue Key Honor Society, Furman University Chapter, 1977
Furman University Senior Order (Women's Honor Society), 1976 – 1977
Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, 1976 – 1977
Pi Gamma Mu Social Science Honor Society, Furman University Chapter, 1976 – 1977
Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society, Furman University Chapter, 1976 – 1977
Yates Scholastic Scholarship, Furman University, 1973 – 1977
Completed over 425 print and broadcast media interviews, including appearances on:
CBS Morning Show
The Sally Jesse Raphael Show
CNN Burden of Proof
News Talk TV
FOX Broadcasting Network
CBS Radio News
Japanese Nippon television
ZDTV (now Tech-TV)
German Public Radio
and published interviews in such publications as:
USA Today
Chicago Tribune
Los Angeles Times
Washington Post
London Sunday Times
Sacramento Bee
Toledo Blade
New England Journal of Medicine
Ladies Home Journal
Faculty, National Victim Assistance Academy, 1996 – present
Advisor, American Bar Association Commission on Law and Aging, 1996 – present
Board of Directors, National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, 2001 – present (elected position)
Board of Directors, National Association of Triads, 1999 – present (founding member)
Member, American Correctional Association Delegate Assembly, 2003 – 2006; 2001 – 2003; 1998 - 2000 (elected to the Crime Victim Representative Position)
Chair, American Correctional Association’s Victims Committee, 2003 – 2006; 2001 – 2003; 1998 – 2000 (appointment by ACA President)
Member, American Correctional Association’s Restorative Justice Committee, 1996 – present (appointment by the ACA President)
Member, American Probation and Parole Association Victim Issues Committee, 1996 – present
Victim Advisor, American Probation and Parole Association, 2001 – present
Victim Advisor, Association of State Correctional Administrators, 1998 – present
Editorial Board, Sexual Assault Report, 1996 – present
Victim Advisor, The Balanced and Restorative Justice Project, Florida Atlantic University, 2001 – present
Victim Advisor, Center for Sex Offender Management, Center for Effective Public Policy, 2001 – present
Victim Advisor, The National Juvenile Compact Advisory Group, The Council of State Governments, 2000 – present
Victim Advisor, The National Adult Compact Advisory Group, The Council of State Governments, 1998 – 2003
Facilitator, First National Focus Group on White Collar Crime Victimization (Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice), International Economic Crime Summit, April 1998
Victim Presenter, National Institute of Corrections Teleconference on Staff Victimization (20,000 participants from 300 sites in all 50 states), March 1998
Board member, My Sister’s House, Charleston, SC, 1987 – 1992
Developed South Carolina's second prosecutor-based victim assistance program four years prior to state legislative mandate, 1979
Appointed by South Carolina Attorney General to serve on State Policy Committee that developed guidelines and procedures for prosecutor-based victim specialists within the state, 1985
Testified at numerous state legislative committee hearings on issues regarding crime victims’ rights, services, and interests, 1982 – 1994
First victim advocate in South Carolina to attend parole hearings with victims (or on behalf of victims or prosecutors) in violent and repeat offender cases, 1980 (Became a state trainer for other victim advocates on parole and victim interests.)
Served on task force that established the first child advocacy center in South Carolina, 1987
Designed and implemented a Victim Restitution/Compensation Project which became a model for other prosecutor-based victim assistance programs in South Carolina, 1988
Consultant on several research projects with the National Crime Victim Research and Treatment Center of the Medical University of South Carolina, including: a project to develop a training manual and video to assist victims in preparing for court; a research study of the long-term effects of violence against women; a research study related to family survivors of homicide victims; and a project to assess the implementation of victims’ rights and services in South Carolina.
Consultant Trainer, Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center, U.S. Department of Justice, 1994 – present
Faculty, National Victim Assistance Academy, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996 – present
Consultant Trainer, U.S. Federal Judicial Center, 1996 – present
Consultant Trainer, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, 2002 – present
Consultant Trainer, National Institute for Corrections, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, 1999 – present
Consultant Trainer, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, 1993 – present
Consultant Trainer, Center for Sex Offender Management, Center for Effective Public Policy, 2001 – present
Consultant Trainer, Corrections Program Office, bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000 – present
Faculty Trainer, National Sheriffs’ Association TRIAD Training and Train-the-Trainer Series, 1994 – present
Consultant Trainer, National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards, 1995 – present
Consultant Trainer, National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators, 2002 – present
Trainer, National Crime Prevention Council, 1994 – present
Certified Trainer, National College of District Attorneys and American Prosecutors Research Institute National Advocacy Center (in the specialty of prosecutor-based victim services), 1987 – present
Faculty, Louisiana Elderly Services Police Officer Training Academy, 1999 – present
Faculty, Illinois Elderly Services Police Officer Training Academy, 1995 – present
Presenter, NOVA National Conferences (on various victim-related topics), 1986 – present
State and Program Trainer in over 45 states covering a wide-range of topics related to victim services, victim trauma and crisis intervention, victims’ rights, program management, and criminal, juvenile and civil justice for victims, 1979 – present
Project Staff, The Indicators of Elder Abuse: Training Curriculum for Probation and Parole Officers Project, 2003 – present
Project Staff, The Judicial Training Project, 2003 – present
Project Staff, The OVC Oral History Project, 2002 – present
Project Staff, National Public Awareness and Education Campaign Project, 2002 – present
Project Staff, 2003 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Victims’ Rights and Services Symposium Project, 2002 – present
Project Staff, Project to Integrate and Enhance Victim Assistance Programs in Rural Law Enforcement Agencies (National Sheriffs’ Association), 2002 – present
Project Staff, Strategic Planning Toolkit Project, Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center, 2002 – 2003
Project Advisor, Prosecution Victim Services in Rural Areas Project, American Prosecutor Research Institute, 2000 – 2002
Project Director, Model Law Enforcement Stalking Protocol Project, Community-Oriented Policing Services Office, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000 – 2001
Project Training Coordinator, Stalking Resource Center Project, Office on Violence Against Women Office, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000 – 2001
Project Director, A Multidisciplinary Approach to Stalking Project, Office on Violence Against Women Office, U.S. Department of Justice, 1998 – 2000
Project Faculty, Telemarketing Fraud Enforcement Training Series, National Association of Attorneys General, American Prosecutors Research Institute, National White Collar Crime Center and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice, 2001
Project Advisor and Facilitator, Crime Victim Summit Project, International Association of Chiefs of Police and the Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice, 1999
Project Advisor and Trainer, Prosecution of Hate Crimes Project, American Prosecutors Research Institute and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice, 1999 – 2001
Project Advisor, Cultural Considerations in Assisting Victims of Crime Project, National Multicultural Institute and the Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice,1999 – 2001
Project Director, Office for Victims of Crime Help Series Project, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice, 1997 – 2000
Project Director, Promising Practices and Strategies for Victim Services in Corrections Project, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996 – 2000
Project Director, Train the Trainers Series for Responding to Staff Victimization in Correctional Agencies Project, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice, 1997 – 1998
Project Director, Workplace Violence Symposium Project, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice, 1996 – 1997
Project Director, Victimization Educational Materials for Younger and Older Children Project, Rose Badgeley Trust, 1996 – 1997
Project Director, Focus on the Future: A Systems Approach to Prosecution and Victim Assistance Project, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice, 1994 – 1996
Project Technical Manager, Training and Technical Assistance for Missing and Exploited Children’s Organizations Project, Office for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice, 1994 – 1995
Project Faculty, Focus on the Future: Victim Assistance in the Federal Criminal Justice System, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice, 1993 – 1996
"The Special Needs of Elder Abuse Victims," Victim-Centered: A Newsletter from the Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services, October 2003
"How Americans Get Their News" (White Paper), Justice Solutions, May 2003
Workplace Stalking: A Guide for Criminal Justice Professionals, South Carolina Department of Corrections, 2002
"Victims’ Rights and Services: New Benchmarks for Justice," Crime and Justice Atlas 2000, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, 2000
"Workplace Violence" (Chapter), National Victim Assistance Academy Text, Office for Victims of Crime and Victims Assistance Legal Organization, 2003; 2002; 2001; 2000
"Stalking and Domestic Violence in the Workplace," Victim Advocate: The Journal of the National Crime Victim Bar Association, Vol. 1, No. 3, Winter 2000
OVC Help Series: Ten Crime Victimization Brochures, Office for Victims of Crime and National Center for Victims of Crime, July 2000
Focus Groups: Multidisciplinary Response to Domestic Violence-Related Stalking, Summary Report, Office on Violence Against Women and National Victim Center, June 1999
"Effective Employer Response to Employee Domestic Violence," Quarterly Training Report, Gavin de Becker, Inc., Spring 1998
OVC Special Report: Fraud Victimization: A Report, Recommendations and Action Plan of the Fraud Victimization Focus Group, Office for Victims of Crime, April 1998
Workplace Violence: Promising Practices and National Symposium Recommendations, Final Report, Office for Victims of Crime and National Victim Center, 1997
Corporations Care Program: Training Curriculum and Resource Materials, National Victim Center, 1995
Over 35 Information Bulletins for the National Victim Center INFOLINK Program and Victim Services Division, 1994 – 1998
Numerous articles for publications of the National Center for Victims of Crime, 1994 – 2001
"Ground Rules: Working with Victims Experiencing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder," Crime Victims’ Litigation Quarterly, National Crime Victim Bar Association, Vol. I, No. 2, 1994
"Should Boot Camps Be Boosted or Booted?" Crime Victims & Corrections, Vol. III, 1994
The South Carolina Statewide Crime Victim Advocate Bill: An Overview, South Carolina Division of Victim Services, 1993
"Implementing Victims’ Rights: Why Corrections Professionals Should Care," Corrections Today, American Corrections Association, August 2003
"The Three R’s of Offender Reentry," Two-part Series. Detention Reporter, January and February 2003
OVC Oral History Project Interview Summaries, Office for Victims of Crime and Justice Solutions, 2003
Basic Training Manual for Corrections-based Victim Services, Justice Solutions, 2003
"The Three R’s of Offender Reentry" (White Paper), Justice Solutions, 2002
"What Is Past Is Prologue: A History of the Victims’ Rights Movement," Crime Victim Report, Winter 2002
Model Law Enforcement Stalking Response Protocol, Community-Oriented Policing Services Office and National Center for Victims of Crime, 2001
"Promoting Victim Justice by Promoting Corrections-Based Victim Services," Corrections Today, American Corrections Association, July 2000
Victim Services in Corrections: A Compendium of Promising Practices and Strategies, Office for Victims of Crime and National Victim Center, 2000; 1997
Victim Services in Corrections: A Training and Resource Manual, Office for Victims of Crime and National Victim Center, 2000; 1997
Promising Practices and Strategies for Victim Services in Juvenile Corrections: A Compendium and Resource Manual, Office for Victims of Crime and National Center for Victims of Crime, 2000
Responding to Workplace Violence and Staff Victimization: A Training and Resource Manual, Office for Victims of Crime and National Victim Center, 2000; 1997
Responding to Workplace Violence and Staff Victimization: A Train-the Trainers Guide, Office for Victims of Crime and National Victim Center, 1998
Guidelines for Talk Show Hosts and Production Staff and Bill of Rights for Talk Show Guests, National Victim Center, 1995
Focus on the Future: A Systems Approach to Prosecution and Victim Assistance — A Training and Resource Manual, Office for Victims of Crime and National Victim Center, 1994
Serving Crime Victims: An Information Guide for Advocacy in the South Carolina Criminal Justice System, South Carolina Division of Victim Services, 1992
Solicitor's Office Victim/Witness Assistance Program: A Manual for Prosecutor-Based Services and Program Administration, Office of the Solicitor, Ninth Judicial Circuit, 1991
Overview of the South Carolina Criminal Justice System: A Guide for Victims, Witnesses, and Advocates, South Carolina Association of Court-based Advocates, 1985
Victim Assistance: A Guide for Victim/Witness Assistance Advocates, South Carolina Association of Court-based Advocates, 1984
National Victim Services Survey of American Jails: Final Report and Recommendations, Office for Victims of Crime and National Victim Center, 1997
National Victim Services Survey of Adult and Juvenile Corrections and Paroling Authorities: Final Report, Office for Victims of Crime and National Victim Center, 1997
Board of Directors Training Manual for Nonprofit Missing and Exploited Children's Organizations, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and National Victim Center, 1994
Impact Statements: A Victim's Right to Speak . . . A Nation's Responsibility to Listen, Office for Victims of Crime and National Victim Center, 1994
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Resource Guide, Office for Victims of Crime and Justice Solutions, 2003 – 2004
Strategic Planning Toolkit, Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center, 2003
Strategies for Action Kit: National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, National Center for Victims of Crime, 1994 – 2001
Surviving Violent Crime: A Handbook for Victims, Their Families and Others Who Care, South Carolina Division of Victim Services, 1992 (revised); 1987
Information for Parents of Sexually Abused Children, South Carolina Division of Victim Services, 1991
My Court Notebook and User Guide handbooks (for child victims/witnesses, ages 6-12, in South Carolina courts — one edition for General Sessions Court and one edition for Family Court), South Carolina Division of Victim Services, 1991 (revised); 1989
South Carolina Victim Assistance Policy Guidelines, South Carolina Attorney General’s Office, 1989
Consultant, Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center
Faculty, National Victim Assistance Academy
Crime Victim Representative (elected position), American Correctional Association’s Delegate Assembly
Victims Committee, Chair, and Restorative Justice Committee member, American Correctional Association (ACA Presidential appointments)
Consultant Advisor, American Bar Association’s Commission on the Law and Aging
Consultant Advisor, American Probation and Parole Association
Consultant Advisor, Center for Sex Offender Management, Center for Effective Public Policy
Victim Advisor, Balanced and Restorative Justice Project, Florida Atlantic University
Victim Advisor, Association of State Correctional Association
Board of Directors, National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (elected position)
Board of Directors, National Association of Triads (founding member)
National Capitol Area Advisory Group on Workplace Violence
South Carolina Advisory Board for Victim Assistance (Gubernatorial appointment)
South Carolina Victim Assistance Policy Committee (Attorney General appointment)
South Carolina Bond Hearing Reform Task Force (appointment by Chief Justice of South Carolina Supreme Court)
South Carolina Victim Assistance Network (founding member, 1983; Vice President, Board of Directors, 1987 – 1992)
South Carolina Court-Based Advocates Association (co-founder and past president)
South Carolina Victim Constitutional Amendment Network (served on Language Committee)
Board of Directors, South Carolina Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors
Tri-County Victim Advocate Coordinating Council (co-founder)
Midlands Victim Services Network
Northern Virginia Victim Assistance Network
Virginia Network of Victim Service Providers
National Organization for Victim Assistance
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
American Correctional Association
American Probation and Parole Association
National Association of Female Executives